Vol. 2, Issue 9, Part D (2016)
Optimization of disaster management system
Optimization of disaster management system
Mobin Ahmad
The paper examines the possible efficacy to help disaster response organizations improve the administration of territorial crisis resources and operations; we propose to interface a specialist based, discrete event test system with a geographic information system and a principle base (portraying standard approaches and conventions for various disaster responses). The framework engineering will empower modules to powerfully "talk" with each other by trading ongoing information and making intelligent deductions. This incorporated framework is designed to precisely emulate this present reality disaster response situation. The framework will be utilized to better evaluate how different arrangements and operations of crisis assets may affect the viability of reactions to different extensive scale incidents.
How to cite this article:
Mobin Ahmad. Optimization of disaster management system. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(9):224-228.