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International Journal of Applied Research
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ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 2, Issue 9, Part G (2016)

Globalization and educational challenges

Globalization and educational challenges

Dr. Md. Moazzam Sulaiman
Globalization refers to coming together of countries and people of the whole globe with an aim to integrate advancement of societies in terms of economy, polity, culture, education and technology etc. in order to achieve more equitable, fairer and livable world. Globalization in the field of education refers to integrate educational system of a particular nation with the world educational system. It is a distinct process by which decisions and activities in one part of the world has significant consequence for individual and communities in quit distant part of the world. The world is entered into a new century and a new millennium. In this context, India cannot ignore the changes that are occurring in the rest of the world. The Indian System of Education is facing today many Challenges arising out of globalization and liberalization. The inclusion of education as a tradable service within the GATS of WTO has given additional momentum to this process.
The age of globalization has brought in a sea change in the field of education in India. Globalization of education has to be spread broad mind that education is not meant only for and individual for a society. The process of globalization is affected the educational system of our country to meet the challenges of globalization.
Pages: 474-478  |  2449 Views  1106 Downloads

International Journal of Applied Research
How to cite this article:
Dr. Md. Moazzam Sulaiman. Globalization and educational challenges. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(9):474-478.
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