Vol. 2, Issue 9, Part I (2016)
Social exclusion: Impact on dalits in India
Social exclusion: Impact on dalits in India
Suman Rani
In the post- reform period, India has done well in some indicators such as economic growth, exports, balance of payments stock market etc, but exclusion continued in terms of low agriculture growth, low quality employment growth, rural urban divide etc. Thus, social exclusion is taking place in terms of regions, social, women and children. “Social Exclusion†the term is very much in the field of intellectuals and policy planners for identifying the gaps for the development of the neglected people and the pertaining country. The causes for exclusion can vary from country to country in different times, but the results will be the same in the form of lack of people development and the country. Social Exclusion is a process which involves denial of rights and opportunities which the majority enjoy, resulting in the inability of individuals from excluded groups to participate in the basic political, economic and social functioning of the society. Social Exclusion or Social marginalization is social disadvantage and regulation to the fringe of society. The objective of this study is to know the impact of social exclusion on Dalits in India. The data for this study has been collected through secondary sources such journals, websites and other reliable sources. As a result of social exclusion, its impacts on the livelihood of the people such as increase in rate of poverty, health and others. The impact of exclusion has made the Dalits as vulnerable community since from the Vedic time. The process of social exclusion system had made the Dalits dependable on the others so called upper communities. In the contemporary scenario due to the Impact of exclusion of Dalits they are subjected to social, economically and politically exclusion. The most affected population is Dalits who lag in all spheres of development activities.
How to cite this article:
Suman Rani. Social exclusion: Impact on dalits in India. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(9):623-625.