Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A (2017)
A study on factors influencing impulsive on buying behavior among women in Thanjavur district
A study on factors influencing impulsive on buying behavior among women in Thanjavur district
Suganya S and Beena Joice M
Studying women could be interesting as shopping is the accepted domain of women; however, modern social and demographic movements challenge traditional gender roles within the family structure. This study makes an attempt to understand the women’s purchase behavior along with an attempt to know what factors play a significant role in her purchase behavior. A questionnaire was developed and distributed to women consumers by using convenience sampling technique. The total sample consists of 150 respondents. The study provides evidence and an insight on various variables used for analysis and reveals that brand loyalty, attitude, values and belief have given more significance on impulse women purchasing. Primary data has been used to collect information based on the circumstances closed end questionnaire has been opted to get the exact information about what is the perceived. Most of the respondents have responded in fair way. The results have showed positive impact on impulse buying behavior.
How to cite this article:
Suganya S, Beena Joice M. A study on factors influencing impulsive on buying behavior among women in Thanjavur district. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(1):35-37.