AbstractClimate change in recent decades is a global phenomenon arising out of human activities due to disturbance in the natural balance of greenhouse gases which maintains the temperature of earth at a normal habitable level. It is unfortunate that human activities have been making the blanket of greenhouse gas thicker, resulting in enhanced greenhouse effect. Carbon emissions from fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil burnings in factories, power stations and industries have been increasing from about 1600 million tones of CO2 in 1950 to 6000 million tonnes in 2000. The resulting thickness has disturbed the global climate system resulting in global warming and drastic changes in food production, distribution of mineral wealth, availability of drinking water and forest yields have been forecasted. It also would affect the health, agriculture, forest and bio-diversity sectors to a great extent. Floods, draughts, famine, species extinction, rise in sea level, sinking of low lying areas are projected.
Climate change being a global phenomenon requires global efforts to control it. Manipur as a unit in line with the national objectives has prepared a state action plan to face it. Already the changing trends in temperature, humidity, rainfall have been found out and projected outcomes had already been calculated. The problem areas have been identified and an institutional mechanism had been set up with concerned ministers and top bureaucrats of the government. Besides the general problems of population growth, urbanization, industrialization, deforestation, elevation of lakes, lacunae in the administration of laws, it is felt that there is lack of awareness. It is the role of media to create a public perception to control the climate change by limiting his activities that are harmful to the environment and by doing environment friendly activities.