Vol. 3, Issue 11, Part G (2017)
Socio economic status and wife battering: A sociological study on married women in Amritsar district of Punjab
Socio economic status and wife battering: A sociological study on married women in Amritsar district of Punjab
Harpreet Kaur and Dr. Neena Rosey Kahlon
The present paper examined the association between husband’s socio economic status and wives’ exposure to physical beating in Amritsar district of Punjab. The data was collected from 292 married women through interview method. In the statistical analysis of the primary data, socio economic features like husband’s education, occupation and income are taken as independent variables and wife battering is the dependent variable. The findings of the present study showed significant relationship between husbands’ socio economic status and infliction of wife battering. More the husband’s education and income, lesser would be the battering against wives. The highest numbers of men showing physical aggression towards their women are engaged in casual work having employment instability in other words. It has also been found that women of all the strata suffer physical violence at the hands of their husbands though there is class wise variation in terms of education and income. It is found to be lowest among the highest educational and income categories.
How to cite this article:
Harpreet Kaur, Dr. Neena Rosey Kahlon. Socio economic status and wife battering: A sociological study on married women in Amritsar district of Punjab. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(11):477-480. DOI: