Vol. 3, Issue 12, Part C (2017)
Financial problems of unorganised retail sector
Financial problems of unorganised retail sector
Dr. V Vetrivel
The size of Indian retail industry is more than US $350 billion but it is highly unorganized. The organized sector has started developing in the past few years. Many International brands have entered in to the market with the growth in organized retailing, unorganized retailers are fast changing their business models. The aim of this paper is analyzing financial problems of unorganized retail sector in India. This study conducted in the area of Chennai city, Tamilnadu. Totally 600 retailers were approached. However, 528 responses were identified for the further analysis. It is observed that majority of the retailers are suffering from the problem of bad debts.
How to cite this article:
Dr. V Vetrivel. Financial problems of unorganised retail sector. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(12):161-164.