Vol. 3, Issue 12, Part C (2017)
Right colic artery aneurysm – A diagnostic dilemma
Right colic artery aneurysm – A diagnostic dilemma
Dr. Nirmala NS, Dr. Manjunath K and Dr. KS Hanumanthaiah
Aneurysms of right colic artery are extremely rare, idiopathic in most of the cases. Right colic artery aneurysm presents as acute onset abdominal pain, intra-abdominal haemorrhage. Synonymou with abdominal apoplexy. Preop diagnosis is difficult, despite recent advances in imaging. Here is a 62 year male patient presented with acute pain abdomen. Patient was admitted and evaluated which showed hypoechoic lesion in the right hypochondrium extending up to the right iliac fossa.patient was posted for right hemi-colectomy with hematoma evacuation. this case was interesting as Right colic artery aneurysm is idiopathic in most of the cases and is a Challenging condition if not managed appropriately is associated with high mortality.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Nirmala NS, Dr. Manjunath K, Dr. KS Hanumanthaiah. Right colic artery aneurysm – A diagnostic dilemma. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(12):165-166.