Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part F (2017)
Gender, matriliny, and politics: Negotiating the women's agency and social structure in the Khasi matrilineal society
Gender, matriliny, and politics: Negotiating the women's agency and social structure in the Khasi matrilineal society
Chandan Bharadwaj
Khasi society like many other distinctive societies saw political foundations of the society as the space of complete monopoly of men while women are, as some would argue, forced to the part of home-makers. Traditionally, women were viewed as incapable to manage the versatile nature of administrative issues. In the past, the traditional political bodies in the Khasi society were most likely accommodative, inclusive, and participatory in nature. However, these days, there are only a few female members in these nearby or village and local body political organisations. Studies have demonstrated that women are expressing unequivocally that it’s high time to bring about change and women too should be permitted to participate in these local body political organisations and also should make their presence felt at all level of modern administration and law making organisations. There is no doubt that in all possibilities these local, urban and modern legislative bodies will remain male dominated organizations, at least in the near future. But, voices are being raised. Certainly some change can be expected in the coming years.
How to cite this article:
Chandan Bharadwaj. Gender, matriliny, and politics: Negotiating the women's agency and social structure in the Khasi matrilineal society. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(2):348-354.