Physico-chemical parameter and ichthyofaunal diversity of Majalgaon Dam in Maharashtra state, India
Physico-chemical parameter and ichthyofaunal diversity of Majalgaon Dam in Maharashtra state, India
SB Ingole
Majalgaon Dam was constructed on the River Sindphana which is tributary of River Godavari, in Beed District (Maharashtra, India) in 1987. Which falls 16° 16 N latitude and longitude 73° 26 E. The River Sindphana has been under constant threat of pollution by sewage and industrial wastes, disposal of dead bodies, deforestation, excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, bathing and water development programs. The dam has a catchment area is 3840 sq. km. It is of great Importance for the region because its water is used for human and cattle consumption, it is multipurpose type like irrigation and power production (Hydro Electric Project). As a representative of these ‘Majalgaon Dam’ was selected for the limnology studies. As a representative of these ‘Majalgaon Dam’ was selected for the limnology studies. The present study is aimed to investigate some of the important physical and chemical parameters along with the flora and fauna of the reservoir. The reservoir is very productive. There are several types of fresh water fishes present in the dam. Labeorohita, Cirrhinamrigal, Catlacatla, Cyprinuscarpio, Silver carp, Wallagoattu, Mystancenbelusarmatus, Notopterus chital, Barbusticto, Channastaitus, Mystusseenghala, Mystuscavassius, Eutroplussuratensis, Belonconcila, Chela, Tilapia mosambica, Rohteealfrediana, Gobiusgiuris etc.17 species of fishes were identified during june2011-may2012.Hence the present work is an attempt to accumulate information pertaining to various aspect of hydrobiology of standing water bodies from this part of peninsular India.
How to cite this article:
SB Ingole. Physico-chemical parameter and ichthyofaunal diversity of Majalgaon Dam in Maharashtra state, India. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(3S):20-23.