Extraction of oil from medicinal plant Butea monosperma (Palash) seeds by electric muffle furnace using locally available materials: Design and fabrication
VB Bhise, SB Gaikwad, SM Shende, Dr. YS Sakhare, SG Kalane
In the present work, the main focus is to design and fabricated Electric Muffle Furnace using locally available materials for oil extraction from Butea monosperma seeds. Butea Monosperma widely distributed throughout India, Burma and Ceylon, popularly known as ‘kakracha’, ‘mooduga’, ‘palasamu’, ‘parasa’, ‘muttuga’, 'dhak' or 'palas'. This plant is commonly known as ‘flame of forest’. The estimated production of oil from its seeds found various significant medicinal applications. Oil extracted from seeds contain chemical composition (yellow, tasteless), proteolytic and lypolytic enzymes, plant proteinase and polypeptidase. (Similar to yeast tripsin). A nitrogenous acidic compound, along with palasonin is present in seeds. It also contains monospermoside (butein 3-e-D-glucoside) and somonospermoside. The effect of heat treatment on Butea Monosperma (BM) seeds for oil extraction. (BM) seeds (100g) were placed in interior container i.e. small cylindrical box diameter (7.2 cm) inside the muffle furnace. Stepwise a.c. voltage 25V, 30V, 35V, 40V, 45V etc. respectively, is applied through dimmer stat to the furnace and measure the temperature with time. In present work, from Palash seeds near about 16-17 ml oil is extracted at temperature 316-324oC.
How to cite this article:
VB Bhise, SB Gaikwad, SM Shende, Dr. YS Sakhare, SG Kalane. Extraction of oil from medicinal plant Butea monosperma (Palash) seeds by electric muffle furnace using locally available materials: Design and fabrication. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(3S):40-42.