Vol. 3, Special Issue 3, Part I (2017)
Role and Interaction of insect pests in mangrove vegetations of central Kerala
Role and Interaction of insect pests in mangrove vegetations of central Kerala
Jain J Therattil
Insects are an ancient group of animals. Mangrove vegetation of Kerala is distributed in nine coastal districts. The order Hymenoptera (Insecta) of mangrove ecosystem is economically important because they are pollinators, predators, and Phytophagous and parasitic species. Many insects especially honey bees inhabit in the mangrove vegetation. Mangrove associated insects mostly include variety of insect species includes Mosquitoes, Gall forming insects, Coccids, Biting insects etc. Destructive insects are classified and surveyed in Kerala are mainly under Plant borers and Fruit borers. They enormously damaging the plants and reducing the leaf falling. Coleopterans and termites are also destructive in nature. Honeybees play an important ecological role as pollinators of many plant species. Among this study another group of insects reported are harmful insects. They are broadly classified into Borers and miners. Mangrove associated insects mostly include variety of insects species includes Mosquitoes, Gall forming insects, Coccids, Biting insects etc. Leaf miners and borers destroy xylem, phloem and epidermal layers of the leaves. This reduces rate of photosynthetic activity, leaf defoliation, thus leads to the death of the plants. They may enormously damage the vegetation so that preventive measures should be taken for the healthy growth and development of the unique Ecosystem.
How to cite this article:
Jain J Therattil. Role and Interaction of insect pests in mangrove vegetations of central Kerala. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(3S):262-264.