ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
Electronic herbarium (digital database) is prepared by selecting various morphological characters (> 200 )with a number of possible variable states as a model. This work is done using software, DELTA (Description Language for Taxonomy) is a flexible and powerful method of recording taxonomic descriptions for computer processing is used for organizing a database of dicot plants of Nagpur district. The database contains about 856 species belonging to 498 genera and 120 families were incorporated along with full plant descriptions, family, botanical names (ICBN) and their synonyms, references, common and vernacular names, distribution in Nagpur district, present status of the plants in nature, socio-economic (including medicinal) uses of these plants and digital photographs. During the preparation of digital database of dicot plants of Nagpur district and after going through the literature it was found that some of plant species were recorded to be new to this region. It forms an important centre of data storage system for faster dispersal of plants information from one place to anywhere in the world.