Vol. 3, Issue 4, Part A (2017)
A sociological effect of time limitation for mothers working
A sociological effect of time limitation for mothers working
Dr. Dhirendra Kumar
This paper highlights the workingwomen's triple parts. In the first place, she needs to work as a wife, second as a mother and third as a worker. The examination emerges how effectively a working women function as a mother/wife at a home can and a worker in the place of work. While trying to think about these distinctions, the present study is completed on children of working mothers, of various word related classes. It means to look at the connection between mother’s work status and family environment and its considerable consequences for alteration of their children.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Dhirendra Kumar. A sociological effect of time limitation for mothers working. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(4):50-53.