Vol. 3, Issue 4, Part J (2017)
Lifestyle modification among diabetes mellitus patients
Lifestyle modification among diabetes mellitus patients
Simranjit kaur
Life style modifications have several beneficial effects in the form of improvement in glycemic control, reduction in the body weight and favourable alterations in lipid profile parameters. Life style interventions must become priority in health care if the epedemics of diabetes are to be reversed. Health care professionals and the public should be educated regarding life style modification for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Objective of study is to assess life style modification of diabetes mellitus patients. Descriptive survey design was used for the present study. The study was conducted in OPDs of MMIMS&R Hospital, Mullana, Ambala. The target population of present study comprised diabetes mellitus patients attending OPDs of MMIMS&R Hospital, Mullana, Ambala. The sample of the present study consisted of Diabetes Mellitus patient attending medical OPDs of MMIMSR and Hospital. Criteria for sample selection is patients above 18 years of age, willing to participate in the study and able to communicate in Hindi or English. Structured lifestyle modification checklist was used to assess the lifestyle modification among Diabetes Mellitus patients. Result shows that 41.6% DM patients were having poor lifestyle modification followed by good (28.3%), average (21.6%) and excellent (8.3%) level of life style modification. Further in knowledge category 33.33% patients had good and in diet category 43.33% had fair life style modification whereas in activity and exercise as well as monitoring and treatment more number of patients had poor life style modifications i.e. 63.34% and 38.33% respectively.
How to cite this article:
Simranjit kaur. Lifestyle modification among diabetes mellitus patients. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(4):648-651.