ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
As customer’s tastes and preferences are changing, the market scenario is also changing from time to time. Today’s market scenario is very different from that of the market scenario before 1990. There have been many factors responsible for the changing market scenario. It is the changing tastes and preference of customer which has bought in a change in the market. Income level of the people has changed; life styles and social class of people have completely changed now than that of olden days. The present study is based on impact of promotional activities on consumer behaviour at shopping malls. Shopping malls are increasingly using promotional activities to differentiate the mall from competitors through image / brand communication, to increase traffic (visits) and to stimulate merchandise purchases, in an increasingly competitive environment characterized by over capacity and declining customers. The result shows there has been a significant impact posed by promotional activities of shopping malls in influencing the consumers’ buying behavior.