Vol. 3, Issue 5, Part D (2017)
Ageing and elderly care in India: A conceptual framework
Ageing and elderly care in India: A conceptual framework
Dr. Latha BR
Aging has profound consequences on a broad range of economics, political and social process. “Aging also brings change in the living arrangements of older people vis-a-vis younger family member and in the private and public system of economic support for children, adults, and most critically older persons. The age categories such as infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, middle age, and old age are the inexorable stages of human life being determined in biological and socioeconomic conditions. (Niaz et al, 2009). The changing demographics and social trends in terms of shifts from extended to a more nuclear family system has raised concerns about the rising old-age dependency ratio and the adequacy of future family support for the elderly. The present study is a conceptual framework introspecting various aspects of Ageing and Elderly care
How to cite this article:
Dr. Latha BR. Ageing and elderly care in India: A conceptual framework. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(5):242-245.