Indian users rank 2nd globally in online shopping through mobile devices and this shows that today’s busy people are looking for value shopping that saves their money as well as time. India's online shopping is currently registering a phenomenal growth of 100 per cent, many retail chains and consumer durable companies are joining the web bandwagon to tap the e shopping market. At present the online market is estimated at Rs. 46,000 crore and is growing at 100 per cent per year. The growing online potential is not just vested with the large brands but even general retail chains are upgrading their sites for ecommerce, making it more convenient for customers to place online purchase orders. The customer behavior is changing dramatically and the retail trade businesses are facing a greater challenge in upgrading themselves for their survival. The study was undertaken to know their problems encountered through primary data collected from a sample of 100 retailers in Coimbatore city." />
ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF