Vol. 3, Issue 5, Part F (2017)
Use of computer technology in apparel sector
Use of computer technology in apparel sector
Hinal Kaystha and Dr. Madhu Sharan
Clothing – a very important aspect of our lifestyle. It does belong to our Past, Present and Future. Attire of a person creates the first impression to anybody and everybody is conscious about it. Fashion changes very fast and everyone wants to present themselves differently each time. This creates demand for apparels hugely. To meet this demand, apparel production must have speedy manufacturing. Computers can help in apparel production at different levels which has been covered in this paper. This knowledge about computers in apparel production will help Designers, Manufacturer and Entrepreneurs.
How to cite this article:
Hinal Kaystha, Dr. Madhu Sharan. Use of computer technology in apparel sector. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(5):362-365.