ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
Needle stick injuries are a common event in the healthcare environment. When drawing blood, administering an intramuscular or intravenous drug, or performing other procedures involving sharps due to this needle can slip and injure the healthcare worker. The current study aimed to assess and compare the knowledge of health personnel in experimental group regarding prevention of needle stick injury before and after administration of Self-instructional Module, to Assess and compare the knowledge of health personnel in control group regarding prevention of needle stick, to determine the association of post-test knowledge score of health personnel in experimental group regarding prevention of needle stick injury with sample characteristics and to determine the acceptability and utility of self-instructional module on prevention of needle stick injury by health personnel. The research approach was experimental research approach with true experimental research design and was conducted in M.M.I.M.S.R & Hospital Mullana Ambala. The sample comprised of 80 health personnel (Staff nurses and laboratory technicians) and randomly divided into two groups (experimental and control group). Paper pencil technique was used to collect the data. Significant findings of the study were the mean post test knowledge scores of health personnel (20.88 +3.10) in experimental group was significantly higher than the mean post test knowledge score in control group (12.88 + 2.0). The results further indicated that there was no significant association of post-test knowledge score of health personnel with sample characteristics and was concluded that the Majority of the health personnel (67.7%) opinion were fully met to accept the self-instructional module. Therefore, the findings of the study revealed that self-instructional module was effective in terms of enhancing the knowledge regarding prevention of needle stick injury among health personnel. Based on the finding the following recommendations were proposed for future research. A similar study can be replicated on a larger sample of Health personnel selected from the hospitals and can be carried out by using other training strategy like video film, planned teaching programme, structured teaching programme.