Vol. 3, Issue 5, Part H (2017)
A study to assess the utilization and level of satisfaction of National Health Mission services by the client’s attending community health centres of Ambala District
A study to assess the utilization and level of satisfaction of National Health Mission services by the client’s attending community health centres of Ambala District
Kanika, Uma J Deaver and Malar Kodi
The program of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was strengthened under the umbrella of National Health Mission (NHM) with the focus of covering rural areas and rural population and expanding health coverage to urban areas. The current study aimed to assess the utilization and level of satisfaction of National Health Mission services by the client’s attending community health centres, to find a correlation between utilization and satisfaction of National Health mission services by the client’s attending community health centres, to find a correlation between utilization and satisfaction of National Health mission services by the client’s attending community health centres, to seek the association between utilization and satisfaction with selected variables of client’s attending community health centres. A quantitative research approach using descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. A study was conducted in two community health centres of Ambala District, where 200 clients selected by purposive sampling technique. All clients were interviewed using structured questionnaires. There was a significant correlation between the utilization and satisfaction of antenatal services (r=0.775), postnatal services (r = 0.768), child care and immunization services (r= 0.705), and major and minor ailments services (r= 0.607). The highest mean score of utilization was in the area ‘Family Planning Services’ (93.05) indicating more utilization in this area and lowest mean score was in the area ‘Postnatal Services’ (62.63) indicating least utilization in this area. The highest mean score of satisfaction in the area ‘Family Planning Services’ (92.54) indicates more satisfaction in this area and lowest mean score in the area ‘Postnatal Services’ (73.25) indicating least satisfaction in this area. The association of utilization and satisfaction of clients with selected variables was dependent on the age (14.992), educational status (3.139), occupation (6.496) and type of family (3.666) was found significant in the area of antenatal services. In the postnatal services, the association of utilization and satisfaction of clients with selected variables was dependent on educational status (5.556), occupation (3.959), total number of earning members (4.272) and distance from CHC (3.583). As regard to child care and immunization, the association of utilization and satisfaction of clients with selected variables was dependent on the age (4.195). Therefore it is that utilization and satisfaction were high in the area of family planning services and lowest in the area of postnatal services.
How to cite this article:
Kanika, Uma J Deaver, Malar Kodi. A study to assess the utilization and level of satisfaction of National Health Mission services by the client’s attending community health centres of Ambala District. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(5):506-509.