ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
Previous studies emphasize for proper planning and construction practices of multistoried buildings on sloping ground. However, in normal design practice the designers generally ignore the effect of sloping ground on the structural behavior of the building. The seismic analysis of a G+9 storey RCC building on varying slope angles i.e., 7.50 and 150 is studied and compared with the same on the flat ground. The seismic forces are considered as per IS: 1893â€2002. The structural analysis software ETABS is used to study the effect of sloping ground on building performance during earthquake. Seismic analysis has been done using Linear Static method. The analysis is carried out to evaluate the effect of sloping ground on structural forces. The horizontal reaction, bending moment in footings and axial force, bending moment in columns are critically analyzed to quantify the effects of various sloping ground. It has been observed that the footing columns of shorter height attract more forces, because of a considerable increase in their stiffness, which in turn increases the horizontal force (i.e. shear) and bending moment significantly. Thus, the section of these columns should be designed for modified forces due to the effect of sloping ground. The present study emphasizes the need for proper designing of structure resting on sloping ground.