AbstractAccording to SIPRI yearbook 2013, India’s military expenditure in 2012 was US$46.1 billion, ranking 8th, with 2.6% of the total world share. At the same time India is still among the poorest countries, with US$1219 per capita income (nominal), ranking 142nd in the world. Also the per capita purchasing power parity (PPP) of India remained US$3,608 (ranking 129th in World). According to World Bank’s report 2012, the malnutrition level in children remained 47 %, which is double of sub-Saharan Africa. The irony of India being one of the largest spenders of military expenditure contradicts with harsh realities that India is facing in the form of growing poverty, health crisis, poor infrastructure and many other numerous problems. The overemphasis on one dimension of security that is essentially understood as threats emanating from beyond borders remains therefore problematic. Owing to the scarce resources, this debate of colossal defence spending needs retrospection and the ambit of security should be, therefore, expanded.
Therefore in this paper, I intend to explore the multidimensional meaning of security, the analogy between the stupendous defence expenditure on the one hand, which is maintained at the cost of copious domestic problems, of millions of malnourished children, growing farmer’s suicide, increasing unemployed and uneducated young population on the other hand. What derives the states to spend on military budget excessively at the cost of security of its people which is more than survival? Why external threats are given priorities over internal threats? What comes in security first; can India become a great power without greatness in domestic sphere?