Constructivism: A paradigm to revitalize teacher education
Shipra Srivastava and Dr. Kiran Lata Dangwal
India has a long and rich system of education from ancient gurukul system to contemporary technology driven system of education. The paradigm shift in educational scenario from teacher centred to learner centred has offered teachers to be a facilitator and co-explorer; one who encourage learners to inquire, challenge, and construct their own knowledge, concepts, ideas, views, and conclusions. Even the National Curriculum Framework (2005), the document about school education in India, emphasizes on active learning, which means knowledge should be an outcome of child’s own activity; learner should construct and create knowledge by himself. It further adds that pedagogy should also be learner centred, based on children psychological development and interest, their background and culture; it should be more and more related with their daily life. Constructivism is the need of the hour; it is an epistemology, a theory of learning which explains the nature of knowledge along with the process of learning. In a constructivist setting, learning is active, reflective, collaborative, evolving, constructed and based on enquiry and problem solving approach. Constructivism is a theory of learning, not a theory of teaching thus it presents a challenge to teachers and teacher educators of a formidable task to translate a learning theory into a theory of teaching this in turn raises questions about what teachers need to know and be able to do. This paper at length would elaborate on the concept, types and benefits of constructivism and the way it can be used in teacher education programme, translating theory to practice.
How to cite this article:
Shipra Srivastava, Dr. Kiran Lata Dangwal. Constructivism: A paradigm to revitalize teacher education. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(5):753-756.