Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part A (2017)
Farmer’s profitability of tomato cultivation in the socio-economic context of Bangladesh: A study at Rangpur district
Farmer’s profitability of tomato cultivation in the socio-economic context of Bangladesh: A study at Rangpur district
Mosammod Mahamuda Parvin
Bangladesh is primarily an agricultural country. Agriculture is one of the prime sectors of Bangladesh economy. Agriculture is the influential lifestyle of Bangladesh. Agriculture persist an expectant contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country prior to a greater extent than 50% of GDP. At present greater portion of Bangladesh’s GDP comes from the service sector. Nonetheless this, two-thirds of the country’s population is affianced in agricultural practices. A variety of crops are cultivated in this country which categorized into two-food crops and cash crops. Vegetable growing is a vital farming activity from the point of view of economic returns. Owing to tomato palatability and vitamin content its demand in general increasing day by day, while its production is far from the requirements. This study was conceded on to taking close together the cost of production and profitability of Tomato producers at Rangpur district. Data was gathered from 100 farmers using simple random sampling method. The Tomato farmers demonstrated individual differences of opinion in their socio-economic characteristics and unconditional majority of them belonged to young age category (20-35 years) having medium family size, primary education level, small farm size (0.01- 0.33 acre). The study additionally denominates that the small farmers were almost profitable likened to others. Main difficulty confronted by the Tomato farmers were lower price of Tomato during harvesting period, lack of good quality seed, higher price of inputs and lack of government intervention etc. Appropriate measures should be necessitated by Government to figure out this problem. The findings of the study will add fundamental economic data on the production practices of Tomato. Ultimately it will be supportive to the planners and policy makers in formulating micro or macro level policy for the improvement of Tomato production in the country.
How to cite this article:
Mosammod Mahamuda Parvin. Farmer’s profitability of tomato cultivation in the socio-economic context of Bangladesh: A study at Rangpur district. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(6):09-15.