Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part A (2017)
Effective e-content development procedures and its importances for self paced learning
Effective e-content development procedures and its importances for self paced learning
P Manikandan and Dr. K Dhanalakshmi
Education is one major sector that has undergone the influence of innovations in ICT. Starting to provide an electric content service, platform for organizing learning experiences in managing learning and assessment has been changed greatly by ICT developments. Students, teachers, educational administrators and every stakeholder in education have been benefitted by the integration of ICT in education. Rests of this are going to deal with these issues at a greater strength. Application of ICT in Education has precedence of developments through educational technology. Since the present day ICTs have all the strengths of erstwhile, even the field of educational technology has renamed itself as ICT. In this sense, ICT includes both traditional as well as modern educational technology so called advanced learning platforms. Today the entire world is moving fast towards digitization and the eager to learn new things using new technologies. The evolution of computers especially the internet has affected all spheres of our life. Ten to fifteen years back we used to spend our time in the library for information in books, magazines and journals. Now a day one can go for the information in the web sites. Well trained teachers with required knowledge, skills and commitment can develop scientific and critical thinking, promote tolerance and develop cultural and social values in them. Innovative technologies will make it possible to achieve these by providing new ways to teachers. Hence, as teachers it is important to meet these new challenges by continuously acquiring new knowledge and skills to discharge our duties effectively.
How to cite this article:
P Manikandan, Dr. K Dhanalakshmi. Effective e-content development procedures and its importances for self paced learning. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(6):16-19.