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International Journal of Applied Research
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ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part C (2017)

Effect of sacral warm compress on the level of pain during first stage of labour among primi gravida mothers

Effect of sacral warm compress on the level of pain during first stage of labour among primi gravida mothers

Thingbaijam Ritabala Devi, Keithellakpam Memchoubi and Ningthoujam Sujita Devi
The current study aimed to assess effect of sacral warm compress on the level of pain among the primi gravida mothers during the first stage of labour in selected hospitals of Pune city. The study adopted “system model” as a theoretical base for the framework of the study. Quantitative approach was adopted for the study and design was quasi experimental non-equivalent control group design. Reliability of tool done using inter rater method which found to be reliable. The sample consists of 60 who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. 30 samples for experimental group and 30 for control group. The samples were selected by Non probability-Purposive sampling technique. Severity of the pain was assessed by using Numerical Pain scale and FLACC scale.
Result: In control group, majority of the primi gravida mothers (70%) are under 18 – 22 years. 26.7% of them are under 23–26 years and 3.3% of them are under 27–30 years. In experimental group, majority of the participant (73.3%) are under 18- 22years, and 26.7% are under 23–26 years. In control group, 13.3% of them were illiterate, 50% of them had primary education, 33.3% of them had secondary education and 3.3% of them had graduation. In experimental group, 60% of them had primary education, 33.3% of them had secondary education and 6.7% of them had graduation. In control group 90% of them were home makers and 10% of them had some other occupation. In experimental group 76.7% of them were home makers and 23.3% of them had some other occupation. In control group, 10% of them had received child birth education. They had received it from doctor. In experimental group, 16.7% of them had received child birth education. 3.3% of them had education from staff, 10% of them had it from doctor and 3.3% of them had education from others. The p-value of posttest 1 in experimental group is less than 0.05 level of significance. As p-value of experimental group in posttest 2 and 3 is lesser then p-value of posttest 2 and 3 in control group shows that the rate of increase of level of pain is slower in experimental group as compare to control group.
Pages: 144-149  |  1510 Views  189 Downloads

International Journal of Applied Research
How to cite this article:
Thingbaijam Ritabala Devi, Keithellakpam Memchoubi, Ningthoujam Sujita Devi. Effect of sacral warm compress on the level of pain during first stage of labour among primi gravida mothers. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(6):144-149.
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