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International Journal of Applied Research
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ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part D (2017)

A descriptive study on the knowledge of early diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS and experiences of suspected exposure among nursing students in a selected nursing college, Ajitgarh, 2014

A descriptive study on the knowledge of early diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS and experiences of suspected exposure among nursing students in a selected nursing college, Ajitgarh, 2014

Savita Sharma and Jyoti
AIDS is a chronic, potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The present study conducted on the “the knowledge of early diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS and experiences of suspected exposure among nursing students in a selected nursing college, Ajitgarh, 2014”. Target populations were 450 i.e nursing students of all the courses of Rattan Professional Education College of Nursing. Sample size was 301 nursing students. Data was collected with the help of 2 sets of questionnaire first to assess the knowledge of early diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS and to identify the study subjects who had suspected exposure and second questionnaire to describe the experiences who had suspected exposure among nursing students. The data was collected at Rattan Professional Education college of Nursing in the month of March. Data was analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that majority of students had moderately adequate knowledge that is 62% and 36% had inadequate knowledge and only 2% had adequate knowledge. Further it revealed that Mild exposure was observed among 79.40% study subject followed by 13.62% of moderate exposure, 0.33% had severe exposure and 6.64% had no exposure. Further it concluded that 28% study subjects had needle stick injury during their clinical posting 19% study subjects provided care to HIV positive patients without precaution and 17% were exposed to infected blood. Anxiety, nervousness, tension, fear and worry were felt by the 43% of study subjects. Out of identified exposed cases 12% immediately cleansed the pricked area with spirit swab and other 12% did hand washing. Staff members in medical ward were informed about exposure by 26% exposed cases. There were no life style changes among 52% of exposed cases and 12% of exposed cases use precautions. The findings of the research study will help in building and strengthening the body of knowledge in the discipline of Nursing.
Pages: 248-252  |  1121 Views  137 Downloads

International Journal of Applied Research
How to cite this article:
Savita Sharma, Jyoti. A descriptive study on the knowledge of early diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS and experiences of suspected exposure among nursing students in a selected nursing college, Ajitgarh, 2014. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(6):248-252.
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