Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part F (2017)
ICT application in the college libraries of Nadia District in West Bengal: A study
ICT application in the college libraries of Nadia District in West Bengal: A study
Subrata Biswas and Md. Yeosuf Akhter
This paper study to analysis the content of 22 College Libraries located at Nadia in West Bengal and trying to find out of the automation and the application of IT in the light of the problem and prospects of college libraries. It is suppose that the users of academic community start the library access from their college education. Therefore, it is very much essential to pay enough attention for the development of the automation system in the libraries of the College. In this juncture, the paper attempts to find out the problems of the building of automated college library services. Finally, on the basis of the content analysis are provided at the end of the paper for the development & implementation of the automation and e-awareness program.
How to cite this article:
Subrata Biswas, Md. Yeosuf Akhter. ICT application in the college libraries of Nadia District in West Bengal: A study. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(6):377-381.