Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part F (2017)
Multicriteria analysis of Swachchha Bharat Abhiyan based on public feedback: Search for best alternative using Cheng’s Fuzzy techniques
Multicriteria analysis of Swachchha Bharat Abhiyan based on public feedback: Search for best alternative using Cheng’s Fuzzy techniques
Kunal Dhadse ME, Chirag Garg and Tripti Singh Rajput
In this project, an analysis of the public opinion is carried out by Fuzzy Multi-criteria Analysis. The study includes an small scale survey of a distributed population of India that aims to capture their opinion on alternatives that are available for an goa of Clean India. There are 9 criteria that includes Construction of community and individual toilets, elimination of open defecation areas, accountability and planning mechanism of monitoring toilet use, Public awareness programme to promote the use of latrines, Recruitment of a staunch ground staff to bring about a big behavioural change, Proper management of liquid and solid waste in villages, setting up network of water pipelines in rural areas, construction of toilets separately for girls and boys in all Indian schools, provision of the toilet facility to all Aanganwadis. These criteria were used to rate, analyse and finally rank based on the public rating. The study concluded the result in the form of the best alternative as a public response and a feedback output to the governing agencies. The rating of the alternatives will help the governing agencies or official private agencies for an efficient Swachchh Bharat Mission planning and implementation. Apart from the ranking analysis of the alternatives, a result comparison of the output by three methods named Cheng’s Extent, Cheng’s Entropy and Buckley’s Fuzzy AHP is done. Results from these methods would help to remove any sort of biasness in selection of any alternative regarding the selected mission to provide fresh drinking water, to eliminate Open Defecation, Sanitation and Hygiene along with Solid Waste Management under Clean India Project.
How to cite this article:
Kunal Dhadse ME, Chirag Garg, Tripti Singh Rajput. Multicriteria analysis of Swachchha Bharat Abhiyan based on public feedback: Search for best alternative using Cheng’s Fuzzy techniques. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(6):390-395.