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International Journal of Applied Research
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ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part O (2017)

A study to assess the Effectiveness of self-instructional module on nursing care of child under phototherapy among staff nurses at Narayana medical college Hospital, Nellore

A study to assess the Effectiveness of self-instructional module on nursing care of child under phototherapy among staff nurses at Narayana medical college Hospital, Nellore

Swapna N, D Revathi, N Subhashin, Arundhathi S and Dr. Indira S
Back ground: Global statistics of neonatal deaths occur due to neonatal jaundice, nearly 70% term neonates, 80% of preterm infants, approximately 80-90% of infants developed jaundice with the age of 35 or more weeks of gestation. Studies shown in 2001 nearly 40% of neonates less than 37 weeks of gestation will effect. four million newborns die before they reach one month of age. The neonatal period is only 28 days yet it accounts for 38% of all deaths occur less than 5 years of age. Three quarters of neonatal deaths happen in the first week after birth due to neonatal jaundice [1]. The neonatal jaundice considered as one of the major public health problem not only in developed countries but also in the developing countries and it is recognized as the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in many developing countries. Especially it is common among primi-gravida mothers due to poor knowledge about care and complications of low birth weight babies with jaundice. With this regard there is an emergent need to educate the staff nurses and mothers at different health care sectors regarding care and complications of neonates [3]. Objectives: The aim of present study was to assess the effectiveness of self instructional module on nursing care of child under photo therapy among staff nurses in Narayana General Hospital medical college at Nellore. Materials & Methods: A pre- experimental approach with quasi experimental design was used for the study. The sample consisted of 60 staff nurses working in Narayana general hospital in NICU, PICU Units. Out of 60 samples 30 samples was experimental group and 30 is control group by using simple random technique. The data was collected prior and after given a self instructional module. Results: The overall mean post test knowledge scores of staff nurses shows higher (32.7) than the mean pre test knowledge score (18.67). Paired t” test was used to compare between pre test and post test knowledge gained through self instructional modules was good i.e. 23.4 as it is evident with high significance between the mean post test and pre test knowledge scores. Chi-squire was computed to test the association between pre tests and post test knowledge scores of staff nurses. The result was noted that there is no association between the pre test knowledge level of staff nurses and selected demographic variables like age, Religion education marital status, and institution studied, previous experience, year of experience, and source of information. Conclusion: The findings revealed that among 30 samples 18(26.7%) majority of the respondents had inadequate knowledge on care and complications of child with phototherapy, in both experimental and control group. Overall pretest knowledge score outcome was poor. Hence, there is a need for self instructional module on care of child with jaundice. The knowledge of experimental group had significantly improved after given a self instructional module.
Pages: 1025-1027  |  1973 Views  280 Downloads

International Journal of Applied Research
How to cite this article:
Swapna N, D Revathi, N Subhashin, Arundhathi S, Dr. Indira S. A study to assess the Effectiveness of self-instructional module on nursing care of child under phototherapy among staff nurses at Narayana medical college Hospital, Nellore. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(6):1025-1027.
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