Vol. 3, Issue 7, Part A (2017)
A study to evaluate the effectiveness of reflexology on progress of first stage of Labour among Primiparturients at selected hospital, Salem
A study to evaluate the effectiveness of reflexology on progress of first stage of Labour among Primiparturients at selected hospital, Salem
F Roselin Devamani
Aim: To Evaluate the Effectiveness of Reflexology on Progress of First Stage of Labour among Primiparturients. Participants & Settings: Quasi Experimental time series design was adopted for this study. The study was conducted in Vijaya Hospital and Salem Polyclinic, Salem. The investigator selected 60 primiparturients, 30 in Experimental group and 30 in Control group who fulfilled the inclusion criteria by using Non-Probability Convenience Sampling Technique. Intervention: Structured interview was used to collect the demographic variables, Numerical Pain Intensity Scale to assess the level of pain and observational checklist to assess the duration of first stage of labour among primiparturients. Measurement and findings: The analysis finding indicates the‘t’ value for level of pain was 8.073 and for duration of first stage of labour was 12.349. According to association of level of pain during first stage of labour, only educational status in control group shows significant association at p<0.05, and according to association of duration of first stage of labour in experimental group, variables like age, educational status, monthly family income, type of family and no. of antenatal visit shows significant association at p<0.05, in control group variables like occupation, monthly family income and type of family shows significant association at p<0.05. Conclusion: The use of Reflexology reduces the level of pain and duration of first stage of labour. Reflexology is an effective intervention on progress of first stage of labour.
How to cite this article:
F Roselin Devamani. A study to evaluate the effectiveness of reflexology on progress of first stage of Labour among Primiparturients at selected hospital, Salem. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(7):30-33.