Vol. 3, Issue 7, Part M (2017)
Revisiting paternal absence in America in 20th century
Revisiting paternal absence in America in 20th century
Abdullah Ahmed Ibrahim Othaby
The word father is a very simple word in its spelling but it holds startlingly many different meanings in its real role. Father is the protector provides security and counselor as a source of guidance and inspiration, he occupies physical and emotional space among the family, no one can fill or achieve his role. George Herbert the British Poet once said, “One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.†In other words, father's absence means the absence of security, guidance, and love from the family and destroying one of its pillars. In any way, this paper exposes the problem of the absence of the role of fathers in American Family. It also points out to what are the consequences of their being absent and how they cause disorder and chaos in society in general and produce a dysfunctional family in particular.
How to cite this article:
Abdullah Ahmed Ibrahim Othaby. Revisiting paternal absence in America in 20th century. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(7):855-859.