Vol. 3, Issue 7, Part M (2017)
A study to assess bio-psycho-social problems, coping strategies and quality of life among post menopausal women of selected rural community in Dharwad District, Karnataka
A study to assess bio-psycho-social problems, coping strategies and quality of life among post menopausal women of selected rural community in Dharwad District, Karnataka
Meenaxi R Devangmath and Dr. Suresh Ray
Introduction: Menopause, is also known as the climacteric, is the time in most women’s lives when menstrual periods stops permanently. Menopause is usually a natural change. Menopause has been described as a subjective experience, with social and cultural factors playing a prominent role in the way menopause is experienced and perceived. A descriptive study was conducted to assess knowledge regarding bio-psycho-social problems, coping strategies and quality of life among post menopausal women of selected areas of rural community of Dharwad district, Karnataka, a total of 50 samples were selected by using probability random sampling technique, the data was collected by interview method. the study results revealed that, majority of subjects 35(70%) had sleep problems, 43(86%) of them had joint and muscular discomfort. 28(56%) had depressive mood, 33(66%) had irritability feelings and 39(78%)of subjects experienced physical and mental exhaustion. Among the subjects 44(88%) of them were adopted coping strategies, 10(20%) of subjects had poor quality of life and 21(42%) of them had quite well quality of life, none of the subjects belongs to very poor quality of life and extremely well quality of life. There was no significant co relation between bio-psycho-social problems and quality of life. The study revealed that, association exists between quality of life of subjects and dietary pattern. The study findings conclude that post menopausal women suffers from bio-psycho-social problems therefore IEC activities in this regard are very essential to cope up with situation.
How to cite this article:
Meenaxi R Devangmath, Dr. Suresh Ray. A study to assess bio-psycho-social problems, coping strategies and quality of life among post menopausal women of selected rural community in Dharwad District, Karnataka. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(7):903-905.