Vol. 3, Issue 8, Part L (2017)
Content analysis of science text books by senior secondary school teachers in Uttar Pradesh
Content analysis of science text books by senior secondary school teachers in Uttar Pradesh
Dr. Khalida Akhtar
Teachers occupy an important role in executing or implementing the curriculum. Text books are the major sources of obtaining knowledge and information regarding any subject. Teaching of science at secondary school level includes subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The present study is an attempt in doing content analysis of science text books on the basis of opinion of senior secondary school teachers. Findings of the study are based on the basis of the questionnaires given to them containing items related to science text books. In the end conclusions and suggestions are given.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Khalida Akhtar. Content analysis of science text books by senior secondary school teachers in Uttar Pradesh. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(8):978-984. DOI: