Vol. 4, Issue 11, Part C (2018)
In vitro effect of nitrogen sources on growth of Alternaria solani and Rhizoctonia solani, causing diseases of tomato
In vitro effect of nitrogen sources on growth of Alternaria solani and Rhizoctonia solani, causing diseases of tomato
Faruk Shaikh, SB Chavan and Sumia Fatima
Present In Vitro investigation was conducted to study of different nitrogen sources effect on growth (dry weight) of Alternaria solani and Rhizoctonia solani causing early blight and root rot of tomato at Department of Botany, Dr. Rafiq Zakaria College for Women, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, during experiment were used different nitrogen sources (0.25% Conc.) viz, Ammonium sulphate, Sodium Nitrite, Calcium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrate, Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl), Potassium Nitrate (KNO3), Magnesium Nitrate (NO3)2. The effect nitrogen sources on growth of fungi were estimated in the term of biomass production. In Ammonium nitrate with 0.25% concentration showed that suitable source for the utilization nitrogen for growth of both Alternaria solani and Rhizoctonia solani mycelium with maximum dry weight 117 and 122 mg respectively on 10th inoculation period. These two nitrogen sources may be involved in vegetative and reproductive growth of Alternaria solani and Rhizoctonia solani.
How to cite this article:
Faruk Shaikh, SB Chavan, Sumia Fatima. In vitro effect of nitrogen sources on growth of Alternaria solani and Rhizoctonia solani, causing diseases of tomato. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(11):125-128.