Vol. 4, Issue 12, Part C (2018)
Party system in India: An analysis for reforms
Party system in India: An analysis for reforms
Md. Naiyar Equbal
Politics is inseparable from political parties as they are the prime instruments for the execution of democracy in the country. Political parties are the breathing air of the political system and they need to be constitutionalized to ensure in-party democracy and to make themselves transparent. Introducing internal democracy and transparency within political parties is important to promote financial and electoral accountability, reduce corruption, and improve democratic functioning of the country as a whole. Most of the parties in India are openly caste or religious-based. The finances of most of the parties are dubious and opaque. Almost all the parties are family fiefdoms; i.e. engaged in dynasty politics. There are no periodical in-party elections in Indian parties. The study debates the importance as well as weaknesses of political parties in India. The study also asserts that if India does not undertake the task of reforming political parties earnestly and urgently, the future of democracy will be in serious trouble.
How to cite this article:
Md. Naiyar Equbal. Party system in India: An analysis for reforms. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(12):212-217.