Vol. 4, Issue 4, Part D (2018)
Influence of portfolio strategies of select investments companies in India
Influence of portfolio strategies of select investments companies in India
ANU Menon A, Dr. A Meenakshi and Nithya Ramadass
Portfolio Management Strategies refers to the approaches that are applied for the efficient portfolio management in order to generate the highest possible returns at lowest possible risks. The objectives of this service are to help the unknown investors with the expertise of professionals in investment Portfolio Management. Some choices involve a trade-off between risk and return. It explains how portfolio hedges risk in investment and gives optimum return to a given amount of risk. It deals with the different investment decisions made by different people and focuses on element of risk in detail while investing in securities. It also gives an in depth analysis of portfolio creation, selection, revision and evaluation. This shows different ways of analysis of securities, different theories of portfolio management for effective and efficient portfolio construction.
How to cite this article:
ANU Menon A, Dr. A Meenakshi, Nithya Ramadass. Influence of portfolio strategies of select investments companies in India. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(4):243-244.