AbstractIntroduction: A women encounters physical and psychological changes during pregnancy that are typical of this time periods pregnancy is also an individual experience that elicits a range of response from very positive to very negative the wide range of response are due the complexity of the process the physical emotional psychological and social changes that occur the womens personality.
Problem Statement: “A comparative study to assess the level of anxiety towards childbirth among primigravida and multigravida mothers in selected hospitals of Pune city’’.
Purpose: Pregnancy can be both an exciting and worrying time for parents to be. Pregnant women experience a range of physical and emotional changes, all of which may trigger anxiety, fear of the unknown, stress feeling of insecurity over work or money, and daily pressures add to hormonal changes during pregnancy and may make women feel overwhelmed. Sometime the level of anxiety may high in both primigravida and mutigravida. In primigravida because of first baby and first experience too. In multigravida the women will have experience before so she will be aware with the of delivery and complications due to hormonal changes the cahecholamine is increases in brain may also cause stress and anxiety there are many other factors.
Objectives: The objectives are to assess the level of anxiety towards childbirth among primigravida and multigravida mothers and to compare the level of anxiety towards childbirth among primigravida and multigravida mothers.
Material and Methodology: Research approach is quantitative research approach and research design is comparative, research variables are level of anxiety in primigravida and multigravida mothers Conclusion: Majority of the sample in multigravida mothers are found more severe anxiety score towards childbirth as compared to primigravida mother. Multigravida mothers had history of bad obstetric, anxious in next pregnancy outcome.