Vol. 4, Issue 5, Part G (2018)
Assess the disposal of sewage water in Saraswathy Nagar, Nellore
Assess the disposal of sewage water in Saraswathy Nagar, Nellore
Samhitha J, Shanmugam Jhansi and Dr. Indira Arumugam
The study aims to assess the disposal of sewage water in Saraswathy Nagar, Nellore. Sewage is waste water from community containing solid and liquid excreta derived from houses, streets and yard washing, factories and industries. It resembles dirty water with an unpleasant smell. The term silage is applied to waste water which does not contain human excreta e.g. waste water from kitchen and bathrooms. The Non experimental descriptive design was adopted for these study. 60 houses were selected by using nonprobability convenience sampling technique. The investigator developed checklist to assess the disposal of sewage water in Saraswathy Nagar, Nellore. The study concluded that majority of improper sewage disposal in this village are disposing the sewage through the canal, river, leaks in the septic tank, presence of septic tank near to the well, washing areas are near to the well, and sewage water is exposed to the land.
How to cite this article:
Samhitha J, Shanmugam Jhansi, Dr. Indira Arumugam. Assess the disposal of sewage water in Saraswathy Nagar, Nellore. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(5):427-428.