AbstractIn today’s world scenario, fast foods become a prominent feature of diet for adolescents due to economic growth and new life style choice. Fast food is rich in calories, salts and fats and lack in vitamin and minerals. Excess consumption of fast food would lead wide variety of health disorder including obesity, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, liver disease, asthma etc.
A study: was conducted to assess the knowledge of adolescents regarding health hazards of fast food consumption by using descriptive research design. A sample comprising 100 adolescent students from 9th to 12th class were selected by using simple random sampling technique. Structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Result: of study shows that majority of adolescents were from age group of 18 year & above [30%], 60 % were male, majority of student’{60%} family having monthly income of Rs. 5000/- to Rs. 15000/- and 65 % adolescent are from nuclear family, 40% were Hindu, 45 % were vegetarian and 55 % adolescents were from urban area.
Finding of study: also revealed that majority of adolescents (55 %) have poor knowledge about health hazard of fast food consumption and only 30 % student have average knowledge and only 15% had a good knowledge. These finding indicate that there is a need of motivational, educational programme for adolescents focusing on health hazards of fast food consumption.