Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part E (2019)
Practical aspects & significance of sociology of development as a field
Practical aspects & significance of sociology of development as a field
Rajeev Rai
In all ages and human times ever since out erect and restless species appeared upon the planet, men have been living with others of their kind in something called societies. Preceding the rise of sociology the investigation of society was carried on in an informal way and society had never been the focal worry of any science. It is through the investigation of sociology that the really logical investigation of the general public has been conceivable. Sociology alone examinations social connections, society itself. Sociology is keen on social connections not on the grounds that they are monetary or political or strict or legitimate but since they are simultaneously social. Sociology concentrate how the relations consolidate, how they develop more modest or more prominent frameworks and how they react to changes and changing needs or requests. In this manner the investigation of sociology is basically diagnostic.
How to cite this article:
Rajeev Rai. Practical aspects & significance of sociology of development as a field. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(1):407-410.