Analysis on ichthyofaunal diversity and water quality of Rajendra Mansoraver Ponds, Chapra
Analysis on ichthyofaunal diversity and water quality of Rajendra Mansoraver Ponds, Chapra
Dr. Ajay Kumar
The ichthyofaunal study was led on the occasional premise from October 2016 to November 2016 according to water nature of Rajendra Mansoraver Pond, Chapra. The examination uncovered that physicochemical boundaries of Rajendra Mansoraver Pond, Chapra were pleasant for 45 industrially significance fish species, having a place with 7 requests, 17 families, and 32 genera. The Cypriniformes were prevailing with 18 species, trailed by Siluriformes (12), Perciformes (9), Clupeiformes (3), Osteoglossiformes, Mugiliformes and Synbranchiformes each with 1 species. About their protection condition, 38 species were least concern, 1 species was defenseless, 3 species were close to compromised and 3 species was information insufficient. The water quality boundaries, for example, temperature, pH, alkalinity, hardness, broken up oxygen, smelling salts, nitrate, nitrite and phosphate were recorded and discovered to be useful for water life.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Ajay Kumar. Analysis on ichthyofaunal diversity and water quality of Rajendra Mansoraver Ponds, Chapra. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(1):456-460.