Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part F (2019)
Analysis of wide-band microwave propagation in a room on the line of room Acoustics
Analysis of wide-band microwave propagation in a room on the line of room Acoustics
Dr. Sunita Kumari
The various aspects of diffuse wideband microwave propagation in a room are analyzed with the established discipline of room acoustics. It has been shown that an equivalent to Sabine's equation for reverberation time in a room is valid for the completely diffused field depending only on the volume, the surface area, and an effective absorption coefficient. An exponential decay of the power as a function of the delay is a consequence of the assumptions. Furthermore, the concept of reverberation distance is also valid. This is the distance from a transmitting antenna where the received diffuse, randomly scattered power equals the direct line-of-sight received power, such that the diffuse power dominates for distances larger than the reverberation distance. It is also a consequence of the theory that the refuse fields incident on the antenna are uniformly distributed in the angle. The main difference from the acoustic case, apart from materials parameters is polarization. Thus, we consider both transmitting and receiving antennas are vertically polarized.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Sunita Kumari. Analysis of wide-band microwave propagation in a room on the line of room Acoustics. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(1):533-536.