Vol. 5, Issue 10, Part A (2019)
Harmful impact of post weaning depression among mothers and emotional changes
Harmful impact of post weaning depression among mothers and emotional changes
Ratna Tadi
Weaning depression is a term used to describe depression that can occur after a woman stops breastfeeding. It can come as a result of hormonal fluctuations and/or the psychological stress of weaning. Symptoms may include "increased irritability, teariness, loss of pleasure in a usually pleasurable activity, fatigue or trouble concentrating in the present article. Maternal mental health is of vital importance. Many mothers caring for infants and small children suffer from depression and other forms of mental illness. It is essential that they are understood, since a great deal can be done to help them and to promote their mental health.
How to cite this article:
Ratna Tadi. Harmful impact of post weaning depression among mothers and emotional changes. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(10):12-14.