Vol. 5, Issue 10, Part E (2019)
Yapana Basti: A literary review
Yapana Basti: A literary review
Dr. Kusum Lata Rathore
Being an eternal science, 'Ayurveda', the 'science of human life', deals with physical, psychological as well as spiritual well-being of an individual. It covers all the spheres of human life. The importance of Basti is highlighted as much as to call it half of the treatment. It is the best therapy to regulate the vata dosha which is the chief governing force behind all the physiological and pathological processes both in the body and mind. The disease Klaibya is a multifunctional condition, mainly involving Bahu dosavastha as a whole and sukrakshayain specific, Mano dosa and Sukravaha Srotodushti. It is commonly observed in society, owing to the feeling of inadequacy less commonly reported. Considering the various factors involved in the pathogenesis of Klaibya, particularly to overcome the Bahu dosavastha, especially the aggravated vata, Bati is the best treatment in the form of Yapana basti to control the ageing process. Yapana Basti Performes both the function i.e. Shodhana and Snehana which is done by Niruha and Sneha Basti respectively. It is indicated in Swastha, Atura, Vruddha, pointing towards its preventive, curative and primitive nature. It can be administered in all the seasons at all times and in all the age groups.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Kusum Lata Rathore. Yapana Basti: A literary review. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(10):329-330.