AbstractIntroduction: Antibiotic resistance, a global concern, is a burning problem before whole medical fraternity and is further pressing in relation to developing nations, including India, where the burden of infectious disease is high and healthcare spending is low.
Aims and Objectives
1. To isolate the various micro-organisms from the various samples of ICU patients.
2. Detection of ESBL’s by conventional methods and Vitek-2 (automated) methods.
Methods: This study was carried out on the samples of the patients who were admitted to the Intensive care unit of SRMS-IMS, Bareilly. Samples from 100 patients were evaluated by VITEK-2 method and conventional methods. All the samples were processed for culture on blood and MacConkey agar, the plates were incubated at 37 0c for 16-18hrs.Detection of ESBL producers is done by double disk synergy test, Modified Hodge test and E-strip test. Automated identification was done by VITEK 2 system.
Results: Out of the total micro-organisms isolated Acinetobacter baumannii were (26.63%), Klebsiella pneumonia (26.86%), Escherichia coli (20.39%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (19.40%), Acineotbacter lwoffii (2.48%), Proteus mirabilis (1.99%), Enterobacter cloacae (1.49%), Alcaligenes faecalis (0.49%) and Serratia marcescens (0.49%). ESBL detection rate by Vitek-2 was highest among all the techniques i.e. 94.02%. The detection rate by Double disk synergy test was 91.54%, by E-strip 89.05% and Modified hodge test 36%.
Conclusion: Though the Vitek-2 excel automated system is better than conventional methods in the detection of ESBL producing organisms. But it has its own limitations in terms of costly infrastructure, high cost of sample processing and limited availability of the machine in developing countries like India.