Vol. 5, Issue 11, Part C (2019)
Water-containing ability of cotton leaves under different temperature conditions
Water-containing ability of cotton leaves under different temperature conditions
Muradullaev Alisher Muradullaevich
This article presents the results of studies on the change in the water-holding ability of leaves of some varieties and lines of cotton under the influence of various high air temperatures (I control option from +24.6 to + 35.4 °C; II option - from +36.4 to +45, 1 °C; III option - from +39.5 to + 48.4 °C). At a high air temperature of + 48.4 °C, the water-holding capacity of the leaves in varieties Surkhan-14, Istiklol-14, Bukhara-102 was 26.2; 24.6; 26.4%, which indicates the relative resistance of these varieties to high air temperatures.
How to cite this article:
Muradullaev Alisher Muradullaevich. Water-containing ability of cotton leaves under different temperature conditions. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(11):159-161.