Vol. 5, Issue 11, Part C (2019)
Sources of formation and lexical-grammatical structure of agricultural terms
Sources of formation and lexical-grammatical structure of agricultural terms
Babakhodjaeva Shakhlo
The article researches the topic related to the vitally important sphere in the Uzbek life, i.e. agriculture. The sphere of agricultural lexicology and term systems are vast and cover a significant part of the vocabulary in the Uzbek language. Uzbekistan is mainly an agrarian country, and Uzbeks have long been engaged mainly in agricultural work, such as cotton growing, stock raising, melon-growing, among many others. There is a variety of ways and methods for studying the agricultural terminology, and this paper aims to focus on the research related to the linguistic exploration of meanings of agricultural terms. It attempts to reveal specific features of agricultural words in Uzbek, Russian, and English, and provides a discussion on both formation and lexical grammatical structures used in the process of agricultural terms.
How to cite this article:
Babakhodjaeva Shakhlo. Sources of formation and lexical-grammatical structure of agricultural terms. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(11):165-167.