Vol. 5, Issue 12, Part C (2019)
Judicial response to separation of powers in India
Judicial response to separation of powers in India
Dr. Gopala Anjinappa
The doctrine of separation of powers draws upon the boundaries for the functioning of the three organs of the state - the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. The doctrine serves as model to strengthen the structure of government in a political system. It intends to act as a checks against tyranny and arbitrary. The truth is that, today, the society face serious problems, both in political analysis and in matters of practical significance in the field of governmental functions and their division among the institutions of government, as well as in terms of the relationships between these institutions. Forthwith, there are practical problems of the control of government every bit as important and difficult as in the days of Montesquieu. The judiciary is prerequisite for ensuring a free and fair society under the rule of law. The doctrine of Separation of Powers provides responsibility to the judiciary to act as a watchdog and to check whether the legislature and the executive are functioning within their limits under the constitution and not encroaching upon the functioning of each other.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Gopala Anjinappa. Judicial response to separation of powers in India. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(12):167-172.